Monday, December 17, 2007

Emmanuel College

Who: Pat D
Where: Emmanuel College (Boston, MA)
When: Monday December, 17
What: We visited Emmanuel College, and took a tour of the campus.
Why: To learn about the school, and to gain insight to our Essential Question.

This morning at 11:30 we met with Pat D of the Emmanuel College admissions office. He started by telling our group a little about the small Catholic college, and then opened the floor up to our questions. Emmanuel College is an up and coming institution, recently going co-educational in 2001. Pat was extremely informative and knowledgeable about co-curriculars. While at Emmanuel, Pat ran both indoor and outdoor track, and was involved in numerous clubs.

Some facts our students learned about co-curricular and extra-curricular activities: At the college level, admissions counselors look for students with many different activities on their resume because they know these students are well-rounded citizens. At Emmanuel they have 50 clubs and 40 organizations. Of these, 75% of undergraduate students are involved in at least one activity. Pat feels that co-curricular’s teach students time management, how to interact with people, and instills ‘leadership qualities’ that ultimately help you in life. I feel this visit benefited our students, and was a great experience.

For more information about Emmanuel College, please visit

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